Meet Dr. Amy Beth Taublieb
Public Speaking &

What Can You Expect From Dr Taublieb?
Dr. Amy Beth Taublieb is dedicated to ensuring you and your loved ones can rest easy knowing that she’s here to help.
Dr. Amy Beth is valued by her patients (past, present, potential) for her direct, yet sensitive therapeutic style which provides others with the tools required for positive successful outcomes.
From The Desk Of Dr AmyBeth
How TikTok is impacting its youngest viewers
For the world’s most downloaded app, licensed psychologist Dr. Amy Beth Taublieb says its impact on the mental health of teens depends on three main factors.
Addiction and Family Members Roles
Addiction and family therapy is often a complicated topic. The family members of those who have a loved one suffering from an active addiction often struggle with how to cope and how to support the individual suffering.
Don’t overlook importance of talking about mental health with loved ones
Dr. Amy Beth Taublieb wants people to have conversations with their loved ones if they think they need mental health help.

In contrast to the typical self-help books authored by professionals where the clinician attempts to impart his or her wisdom to the reading audience, “The Tail Wags the Dog” is comprised entirely of lessons learned by the author from her patients. Based on the premise that when done properly, therapy is a reciprocal learning experience, this book shares two hundred life lessons imparted to the author by her patients over a period of almost three decades.
What has Dr. AmyBeth been up to
- Dr AmyBeth has an article on holiday stress in December issue of Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine. See link below - Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by Channel Two News re Explaining Election Issues To Young People
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed on Aug 21, 2025 by Channel Seven ( WNY ABC affiliate) News on the psychological aspects of Cell Phone Addiction
- Dr AmyBeth has an article on issues with adult children in the August issue of Buffalo Healthy Living
Buffalo Healthy Living August 2024 - Dr AmyBeth has an article in the March issue of Buffalo Healthy Living magazine on choosing a therapist
Buffalo Healthy Living March 2024 by Annette Pinder – Flipsnack - Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WGRZ Channel Two News regarding the impact of weather on folks’ emotions - Dr. AmyBeth’s TV appearance regarding the 1/21/24 Bills game - Dr AmyBeth has an article on PTSD in the November issue of Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine - Dr AmyBeth had an article in the Sept issue of Buffalo Healthy Living discussing the family impact on the children returning to school - Dr. AmyBeth has an article in the July, 2023 issue of Buffalo Healthy Living magazine discussing the stressors involved with welcoming a new baby to the family – Check out
“OH THOSE BABY BLUES” - On May 16 Dr AmyBeth did an Ask the Expert” presentation for the Erie County Bar Association entitled “The Psychological Evaluation- How, What and Why”
- Buffalo Healthy Living’s March, 2023 issue is featuring an article by Dr. AmyBeth entitled “The Humane Thing to Do” Link is as follows
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WGRZ Channel Two news on January 4 regarding coping strategies for Western New Yorkers following the multiple stressors over the past several months.
- Dr AmyBeth met with the UB Psychiatry Residents on 12/15 to discuss the topic of Managing Up.
- Dr AmyBeth has an article in the December issue of Buffalo Healthy Living discussing the psychological aspects of the holiday season - Dr AmyBeth has an article in the September edition of Buffalo Healthy Living. Topic- recognizing back to school anxiety in your kids. Here you go! - Dr. Amy Beth has an article in the July, 2022 issue of BUFFALO HEALTHY LIVING on “Psychological Independence” The access link is as follows: - Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WGRZ Channel Two News on the psychological ramifications of the horrific violent events of the last ten days.
- Dr AmyBeth has an article on negotiate the grieving process in May 2022 edition of Buffalo Healthy Living.
- Dr AmyBeth has an article “Is Positive Thinking Always Positive” in the April, 2022 edition of Buffalo Healthy Living.
- On March 22, Dr AmyBeth did a presentation for parents at Buffalo Seminary entitled “Parenting Post Pandemic”. Here is a link of the published story: - On February 10, Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WIVB news (the local CBS affiliate) on the recent assault at a Buffalo school.
- On February 11, Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by FeedMore WNY on the potential psychological benefits of automated pets. Interview to appear on YouTube.
- On Feb17, Dr AmyBeth did a presentation on Managing Up for the Jacobs School of Medicine Psychiatry Residents.
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by Channel Two News on practical approaches to Suicide Prevention
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by Channel Two news on the increased demand for mental health services relevant to the pandemic
- Dr AmyBeth was on WBEN 930 NewsRadio Saturday, October 24th at 11. She discussed School Anxiety During the Pandemic.
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WGRZ2 TV News regarding Understanding Children’s Anxiety About Going Back To School
- during the pandemic. It aired on various newscasts on September 4 as well as throughout the Labor Day Weekend.
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WKBW TV News (WNY’s ABC affiliate) on Aug 31 discussing strategies parents can use to help their children deal with anxieties regarding returning to school during the pandemic The interview can be found on the WKBW website
- On September 5, Dr AmyBeth was be on WBEN NewsRadio discussing psychological issues relevant to returning to school during the pandemic
- Dr AmyBeth appeared on the Channel Two WGRZ (NBC affiliate)Town Hall Meeting on August 4th discussing the stresses associated with the loosening of COVID restrictions
- Dr AmyBeth appeared on Channel 7 news last night discussing the Psychological Aspects of Returning to School During the Pandemic. Find link to story below - Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WGRZ2 TV News (the Western New York NBC affiliate) on the psychological issues facing children and adolescents associated with returning to school during COVID. Interview aired 7/20 on various newscasts
- Saturday, June 27 Dr AmyBeth will be doing an interview on WBEN NewsRadio at 11:30AM discussing “Depression- What It Is And What It Isnt
- Saturday, May 16 Dr AmyBeth will be doing an interview on WBEN NewsRadio discussing “Post Covid Psychology
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed live 4/25 on WBEN NewsRadio regarding the Psychological Impacts of the COVID pandemic
- Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by Channel Seven News (Western New Yorks ABC affiliate) on helping children cope with Corona stress.
- Saturday, March 7. WBEN NewsRadio 930 at 11AM Dr AmyBeth was interviewed on New Beginnings.
- Saturday, February 8. WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth was interviewed on Loves Ups and Downs.
- Saturday, January 18 at 11AM. WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth will be discussing DWI Evaluations and how her practice performs them.
- Sunday, December 8 Dr Amybeth was interviewed on NewsRadio WBEN regarding Dealing With A Loved Ones Addictive Behavior
- Wednesday, November 13 Dr AmyBeth will be speaking at the Mount Calvary Annual Remembrance Service.
- Sunday, October 27 at 11AM . WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth will be interviewed “Self Talk”
- Saturday, October 19 at 11AM . WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth will be discussing “Anniversary Reactions”
- Saturday, Sept 21 Dr AmyBeth is doing a book signing of her book THE TAIL WAGS THE DOG at the FurTastic Adopt A Thon. Part of proceeds go to help the cats and dogs
- Sunday, June 16 at 11AM. WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth will be discussing “Therapy At Any Age”
- Sunday, June 2 at 11AM. WBEN NewsRadio 930 Dr AmyBeth will continue her discussion on The Psychology Of Loss
- Saturday, May 4 at 11AM. WBEN NewsRadio 930 will be running the first part of Dr. AmyBeth’s interview on The Psychology Of Loss
- Saturday, April 13 at 11AM. WBEN NewsRadio 930 will be running Part One Of Dr AmyBeth’s interview on “Loss of A Spouse “
- Saturday, March 16 at 11AM. Dr AmyBeth will be heard on NewsRadio 930
- Saturday December 22nd at 11AM, 930AM NewsRadio Dr AmyBeth will be interviewed by Linda Pellegrino
- Dr AmyBeth’s article “So What Do We Tell Our Children?” (discussing the Pittsburgh tragedy) was published in the December 2018 issue of THE JEWISH JOURNAL
- Saturday November 3rd at 11AM, WBEN NewsRadio is airing an interview with Dr AmyBeth and Joe Chille on managing holiday expectations
- November 8, 6:30pm. Guest speaker at Mt Calvary Cemetery Annual Remembrance Service
- Saturday 27 October Dr AmyBeth interviewed on NewsRadio 930. WBEN Buffalo,NY
- July 28 Dr AmyBeth will be interviewed on 930 AM WBEN NewsRadio
- Jun 29 Talk Radio 930 – Speaking on Psol of Retirement
- Jun 9 Talk Radio 930 – Speaking on Addictive Issues
- Jun 6 Book Signing at Erie County SPCA Wine and Wags Event
- Sep 8 from 10AM-3PM. Dr AmyBeth is doing a Book Signing at Furtastic Adopt A Thon. Sheridan Park Fire Hall. 738 Sheridan
- August 25 at 11AM. Dr AmyBeth will be discussing “The Psychology of Eating” on News Radio 930.
- July 28 Dr AmyBeth will be interviewed on 930 AM WBEN NewsRadio
- Jun 29 Talk Radio 930 – Speaking on Psol of Retirement
- Jun 9 Talk Radio 930 – Speaking on Addictive Issues
- Jun 6 Book Signing at Erie County SPCA Wine and Wags Event
- Tuesday, March 9. Dr AmyBeth was on the WGRZ2-TV Town Hall discussing the psychological impact of the recent Royal Interview.
- Thursday, March 11. Dr AmyBeth was interviewed by WKBW Channel Seven News on young people’s emotional adjustment to changes associated with the pandemic.
Have you heard about Dr AmyBeth’s COVID interventions?
These are individual therapy sessions ( typically one or two) to provide you with tools to cope with feelings of isolation, anxiety, family issues, job stress, parenting/back to school concerns, illness fears and MORE! You don’t need to deal with this alone!
Available in person (in office which is sanitized between EVERY session) or via phone/computer
Most insurances accepted
Give office a call at 716 834 1505